The DemoStats database consists of current-year estimates and projections of demographic data for three, five and ten years into the future. The dataset covers more than 500 key variables for over 56,000 census dissemination areas and for six-digit postal codes (FSALDUs). It also provides historical estimates from five years ago based on the same methodologies to ensure accurate trend analysis. DemoStats is created using innovative methods that combine econometric, demographic and geographic models. And it employs a variety of data sources, including the latest Census, current economic indicators, post-Censal estimates from federal and provincial governments, immigration statistics and economic data such as building permits. DemoStats features variables on population, family structure, household size and type, ethnic diversity, labour force participation and income—including both averages and distributions.
Statistics Canada conducts a comprehensive national census every five years to provide an in-depth portrait of Canada. But for many marketers, some of the census demographic and economic data are too dated to be useful when they are released. In addition, census data has a known undercount. DemoStats addresses these gaps by providing demographic data for the current year and reliable projections for a decade into the future—a ten-year timeline that permits in-depth trend analysis of consumers and markets. EA’s models, developed and tested over many years, also correct for the undercount at the dissemination area (DA) level based on the known error levels for larger geographic areas that Statistics Canada releases after the census.
DemoStats’ demographic information helps users make informed decisions when evaluating catchment or trade areas, selecting sites, targeting new markets and analyzing population trends. DemoStats is up to date and provides estimates and projections of variables not included in the Census, including household income distributions in staged increments—reported in constant and inflation-adjusted dollars—for all DAs. Such detailed data have proven valuable to banks, utilities and retailers, which DemoStats which depend on the latest demographic analysis to better serve their dynamic customer base. With DemoStats, users gain access to the most current demographic trends to monitor changes in market share, migration and income—neighbourhood by neighbourhood—that have occurred recently and that are projected for years into the future.
The DemoStats database consists of current-year estimates and projections of demographic data for three, five and ten years into the future. The dataset covers more than 500 key variables for over 56,000 census dissemination areas and for six-digit postal codes (FSALDUs). It also provides historical estimates from five years ago based on the same methodologies to ensure accurate trend analysis. DemoStats is created using innovative methods that combine econometric, demographic and geographic models. And it employs a variety of data sources, including the latest Census, current economic indicators, post-Censal estimates from federal and provincial governments, immigration statistics and economic data such as building permits. DemoStats features variables on population, family structure, household size and type, ethnic diversity, labour force participation and income—including both averages and distributions.
Statistics Canada conducts a comprehensive national census every five years to provide an in-depth portrait of Canada. But for many marketers, some of the census demographic and economic data are too dated to be useful when they are released. In addition, census data has a known undercount. DemoStats addresses these gaps by providing demographic data for the current year and reliable projections for a decade into the future—a ten-year timeline that permits in-depth trend analysis of consumers and markets. EA’s models, developed and tested over many years, also correct for the undercount at the dissemination area (DA) level based on the known error levels for larger geographic areas that Statistics Canada releases after the census.
DemoStats’ demographic information helps users make informed decisions when evaluating catchment or trade areas, selecting sites, targeting new markets and analyzing population trends. DemoStats is up to date and provides estimates and projections of variables not included in the Census, including household income distributions in staged increments—reported in constant and inflation-adjusted dollars—for all DAs. Such detailed data have proven valuable to banks, utilities and retailers, which DemoStats which depend on the latest demographic analysis to better serve their dynamic customer base. With DemoStats, users gain access to the most current demographic trends to monitor changes in market share, migration and income—neighbourhood by neighbourhood—that have occurred recently and that are projected for years into the future.